Day 7 - Avocado and Roast Beef Sandwich on Seed Bread
After undertaking this experiment I have come across much information regarding avocados. First off is that they're technically a berry. Also, the name avocado comes from a Spanish name, meaning 'testicle'. They are considered an aphrodesiac and a fertility fruit. Worrisome for me! Hopefully not so much for you!
Another friend of mine was certain they became poisonous once cooked. This is not true and I cannot find any evidence supporting this. They are, however, poisonous to some dogs, cats and birds - so be careful who you feed these to.
Avocados are higher in both potassium and fibre than a banana and contain a lot of vitamins that are harder to obtain in other foods, such as Vitamin K and E, both which are famous for hair and skin youthening properties. 75% of the avocado's calories come from fat. Good fat. Monosaturated fat.
Now, time for my pictorial update. You'll be INSANELY surprised.
Hair before:
Hair after:

Skin before:
Skin after:

Let it be known I did not change my hair products nor my skincare products at all during this time!
My hair is obviously and definitely more shiny, silky and smooth. I did not wash it before this photo, either. My skin, while still roughly the same, has a slightly more firm and dewy appearance. No new blemishes have appeared.
Today I feel: Happy. Well balanced. I've been going to the bathroom much better lately and have been eating a bit worse than normal but maintaining my appearance. I am more energetic and even worked 12 hours last night from waking up at 8am (worked from 4pm til 4am) and was not very exhausted when I finally got home. Slept well, as well.
Another friend of mine was certain they became poisonous once cooked. This is not true and I cannot find any evidence supporting this. They are, however, poisonous to some dogs, cats and birds - so be careful who you feed these to.
Avocados are higher in both potassium and fibre than a banana and contain a lot of vitamins that are harder to obtain in other foods, such as Vitamin K and E, both which are famous for hair and skin youthening properties. 75% of the avocado's calories come from fat. Good fat. Monosaturated fat.
Now, time for my pictorial update. You'll be INSANELY surprised.
Hair before:
Skin before:
Let it be known I did not change my hair products nor my skincare products at all during this time!
My hair is obviously and definitely more shiny, silky and smooth. I did not wash it before this photo, either. My skin, while still roughly the same, has a slightly more firm and dewy appearance. No new blemishes have appeared.
Today I feel: Happy. Well balanced. I've been going to the bathroom much better lately and have been eating a bit worse than normal but maintaining my appearance. I am more energetic and even worked 12 hours last night from waking up at 8am (worked from 4pm til 4am) and was not very exhausted when I finally got home. Slept well, as well.
Very interesting Elizabeth. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog but I've since made it private as I want to blog about my family and don't want pics of my baby all over the internet. Will still be reading yours though!